プネウマ (pneuma) はもともと気息、風、空気を意味したが、ギリシア哲学では存在の原理とされた。
空気中のプネウマ(精気、空気、気息)が体内に取り込まれ、生体を活気づけるとヒポクラテスらは考え、アリストテレスは植物プシュケー、動物プシュケー、理性プシュケーの3種のプシュケー(精気)を区別し、ローマのガレノスも肝臓にある自然精気、心臓にある生命精気 (pneuma zoticon)、脳にある動物精気 (pneuma physicon) の3つを考えた。
In Mt. Fuji area, there is a word "Fuji no Oiki" . It's direct meaning is respectful breathing of Mt.Fuji. If you want, you can directly feel this breath when you are climbing up the Mt. Fuji. Last time I felt "Oiki" I was at 2800m of Mt.Fuji with Mountain Monks "YAMABUSHI". After 30mins from the amazing view of dawn, the sun worms up all the atmosphere around the Mt. Fuji. Gradually, you can feel the cool wind from the gigantic forest underneath. I circulate the air deeply, I smelled the pureness of water, soil and slight spirituallity. Suddenly, the great breath of earth become very strong. Mt. Fuji becomes like Super Siyan, literally. I always remember "Oiki" in my heart.
This is Pneuma.
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